It’s Time To Start Being The Storyteller of Your Life

It’s Time To Start Being The Storyteller of Your Life

Growing older also means growing as a person. Our beliefs, our opinions, and how we make decisions have changed since when we were kids. We learn from our mistakes, the challenges we face, and from unforgettable experiences. Though all of us can surely relate how there was a time in our lives where we didn’t grasp what life had in store for us. We didn’t know that our past was holding us back. It’s feeling like we dropped in the middle of the desert with no idea where to go. 

Below are some life lessons from “Gresson Peiffer’s book Sharing My Light & Healing Energy: Journey to True Self”. These lessons help you find some peace in this rather chaotic world. Some of these are things we probably wished we'd known as children.

1. Take back the power and control over your life.

It takes a lot of courage to face your fears and in Gresson’s book, she faced a challenge that shook her beliefs and what she thought she knew. She had to face healing her inner child and mending the broken pieces that come from suppressed emotions. Life will always be hard but we must take it as a challenge to turn a sour situation into something positive. Instead of dwelling on the pain, accept that this is what happens in life and move on from it. It’s all about letting go and healing the past so that your heart has room for good experiences to enter into your life. You are the writer of your own story. You are the main character. Let this be your comeback era. 

2. The importance of having flowing and good energy

You meet all sorts of people in life and they say that first impressions last. Gresson puts an interesting perspective that it’s not only how you act but also what kind of energy you put out. Some people have called it ‘the vibes’ which is basically what you feel immediately around this person. In order to be able to have a good impression on someone, it’s learning to pay close attention to the connection you have with yourself. Your emotional, mental, and spiritual connection. By maintaining this flow, according to the book, it becomes a way to heal your inner child and that it will attract the right kind of people into your life. The kind of people that will create an impact on your life. It’s changing your mindset and replacing it with positive energy that attracts pieces that help achieve your goals in life. 

3. Trust your gut. It’s usually right.

In times of uncertainty, it’s always best to trust your gut. This gut feeling is called intuition and it’s your body’s way of telling you whether something should or should not be done. It can also be the universe’s way of telling you what to do. In the book, Gresson had let life do its magic. It had given everything she needed to overcome any obstacle she faced. She recalled experiences she had before, the people she had met, and the life lessons she learned along the way. Life is unpredictable and can throw you so many curve balls but how do you know you’re truly living if there are no hardships? A life truly lived is one taking risks and not knowing where you’ll land. If it doesn’t work out then it’s a lesson to learn and improve on.

4. Remembering and tending to your roots.

Gresson is a proud half-Filipina who lives in Belgium. She grew up in a Euro-centric environment where she felt like she couldn’t fit it. In her book, she described her childhood being like she was stuck in between. She never quite fit in and had always pushed away her Filipino background because those around her had not been entirely accepting of her uniqueness. She felt like she wasn’t a whole person. There was a missing part of her and only later on in life where she realized what it was. It takes bravery to be your authentic self but it’s the only way to really blossom in your journey of taking back your power. In her words, it’s accepting and sharing your light no matter what happens and not letting anyone silence you. She figured out that connecting back to your roots attracts abundance and you learn to love yourself more—warts and all.

The universe has a funny way of telling what’s meant for us. All our encounters with people, our adventures, and career advancements were all for our growth to our journey in navigating an often chaotic and confusing world. Gresson Peiffer’s book “Sharing My Light & Healing Energy: Journey to True Self” emphasizes that anything that feels good, even if it’s a challenge, is something to take a chance on. Your place in this world is important. Your voice is so powerful and it can make all the difference in the world. 

So grab your copy now at Bookshelf PH to discover your light and finally start on your journey to your true self! You can find the book here



By: Marie Klaire S. Pabalan

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