Bookshelf PH's Open Call for Submissions
Want to be a published writer? We’re accepting contributions for our anthologies!

Generation Rising: The Best Filipino Youth Writing
Generation Rising aims to collect the best non-fiction essays, articles, and stories from young Filipino creatives ages 16 to 25.
Submit your works to with the subject line “Generation Rising: Best Filipino Youth Writing + Your Name” by June 30, 2022.

Taking Flight: Successful College Admission Essays from International Students
Taking Flight is an anthology that collects successful college admission essays from international students to help young Filipinos who want to study in top colleges overseas. The book also features a foreword by Francisco Roman, Harvard PhD.
Took your undergraduate or graduate studies abroad? Get a chance to have your college admission essays published!
Send your college admission essay or personal statement along with your academic degree and university to with the subject line “Taking Flight: Successful College Admission Essays from International Students + Your Name” by June 30, 2022.

Torpe: Missed Connections in the Heart of Manila
Got a story about your the one that got away (TOTGA)?
Torpe: Missed Connections in the Heart of Manila is accepting non-fiction “what could have beens” and other “TOTGA” love stories of Filipino twenty-somethings.
Submit your works to with the subject line “Torpe: Missed Connections in the Heart of Manila + Your Name” by June 30, 2022.

Philippines, By the Numbers: A Breakdown of the Hidden Data that Shapes the Country
This anthology will collect the best writing from data scientists, scholars, and researchers that matters to the nation. Each article will begin with a surprising data point and then the ensuring essay will provide further illumination and discussion on the figure.
Philippines, By the Numbers: A Breakdown of the Hidden Data that Shapes the Country will feature a foreword by Erika Legara, Data Science Program Director at the Asian Institute of Management, and an afterword by Dr. Reina Reyes.
Send your work to with the subject line “Philippines, By the Numbers: A Breakdown of the Hidden Data that Shapes the Country + Your Name” by June 30, 2022.