Why You Should Let Your Inner Child Out - As told by the reflections of Gresson Peiffer

Why You Should Let Your Inner Child Out - As told by the reflections of Gresson Peiffer

You may have heard of this phrase before as you scour the internet for your next read, or perhaps from a friend who shared about overcoming a fear they had as a child and referred to it as ‘healing their inner child’. No, it’s not an actual kid being locked in a house or an idiomatic way of saying someone is pregnant. It’s often referred to as a part of the subconscious that picked up or learned things in its childhood but was never able to truly process these things.

So why is it important to let your inner child out? They hold the good and bad of childhood that either helps you grow or sets you back from opportunities that encourage you to flourish in more ways than one. Your inner child can be the keeper of nostalgic memories, but it also tucks away your childhood fears, emotions, and beliefs of the past. 

Below are some reflections from Gresson Peiffer’s book, “Sharing My Light & Healing Energy: Journey to True Self.” From getting in touch to listening and learning about your inner child needs, Peiffer hones in on the lessons she learned in her journey of navigating this chaotic world and shared it in her book.

Inner child pain is subtle and oftentimes disguised under the greenest flag. We don’t usually see the red flags of a person unless we dig a little deeper. It’s the exact same pattern with ourselves. The pain can be manifested through habits, perspectives, and avoidance of all sorts of things because there are experiences as children that we don’t comprehend as something that wasn’t meant for us. Peiffer makes it a point that even people we love like our parents can give us pain or leave wounds that we’re not aware of. It can be through neglect or being treated badly which in turn leads to gaps in our belief systems, a lowered self worth, and lack confidence. 

Other inner child pain are feelings of shame or guilt, chronic overworking and/or needing to achieve (to get approval/belonging), and regular anxiety and fear. Peiffer also had a similar ordeal like fear of being left out, repressed emotions, and fear of getting hurt. By not healing her wounds from the past, she was scared to fully open up her heart to others again as it stood in the way of her fulfillment and peace of mind.

By having a happy inner child, you have love to give and love reserved for yourself, you have a sense of inner peace, and most of all, you become fulfilled with your journey. You would no longer feel like you’re being held back by fear and you’re able to tolerate the pains that life may bring. There is no urge to find approval from others except for yourself.

Healing your inner child is essentially letting them out and cultivating a relationship with them. It’s the overall care of your mind, body, and soul. It’s healing the past pains that haunt you in secret, setting boundaries for yourself, or choosing who you spend time with. Gresson Peiffer views this as a responsibility and self care as well as a pathway to living a happy and fulfilling life. It is reaching deep within and understanding what you lack then finding ways to give back to yourself. It is also starting dialogue, listening and learning about the experiences you’ve kept to yourself for years, and encouraging the hopes and dreams you’ve had growing up. 

“Don’t wait for anybody else. Take back the power and control over your life,” as best said by Gresson Peiffer in her book. 

It’s not easy to dig up the past, poke old wounds, and analyze your life under a microscope through a series of conversations and self reflections. Although once you let yourself free from the constraints of your past, only then will you find yourself in a whole new light and see the world differently. The energy shifts, the big bad world would seem a little less big and bad, and the realization will sink in that you’re worthy and capable of everything you desire in this world.

By: Marie Klaire S. Pabalan

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